To take the bike or not to take the bike

I’m a full time single parent with no support from my 3 year old son’s dad so money is tight. He has seen a bike he wants for Christmas so I’ve been saving up to buy it and been really excited about him seeing it on Christmas Day. My Mums friend has sent me a picture of a bike her grandson is giving away, it’s almost identical and looks as good as new, no scratches etc but I just feel like I shouldn’t give it to him for Christmas. I feel like I’m letting him down by not spending the money and getting him one brand new and whenever he says Santa bought it I’ll just feel so guilty. Am I being stupid?
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Please take the bike. I wouldn’t say you’re being stupid but silly, yes maybe a little! Your son will love it 💕

@Emma I don’t know why it just doesn’t feel as special, even though like you say he will love it and won’t even know! 🤦‍♀️

Honestly everything is so expensive now and no matter what the thought is still there and he will love it!! Think what the money you've saved so far could get him, how it can help you or even a nice little day out for you both. You're definitely not letting him down💙

100% take it! You can make it special by adding a horn or bell or repaint it. Even just a bow for Christmas morning. We love second hand toys! I got my toddler a beat up cozy coup for $5 off facebook. Couple cans of spray paint to make it Dino theme and he’s obsessed

Mom guilt at its finest. Take the bike!!!!!!!!

He's 3, he won't know it isn't new. Definitely take it

@Elizabeth exactly that! 🙄

Thanks everyone, think I’ve just built it up in my head that I’m buying him the bike for Christmas. If I take it I will use the money I’ve saved on a day out.

@Sam oh yeah I love a bargain on FB market place all year long I’ve just never given anything second hand for birthday or Christmas. Again I know I’m being stupid about it 🤦‍♀️

He won't know the difference! You're saving money that could go on another present (or as you said a day out) and you're still getting the bike for him! Win win!

He will have no idea its not new, save yourself the money. We're making the most of buying preloved because when they're older they might not accept that. We've bought a small trampoline and kitchen, both secondhand for our son in previous years. He was just excited

He's little & can't tell the difference. You can wrap it really pretty with a big bow🎀.🎁 But if it's going to bother you buy the new bike.

Your son will only remember mummy making his Xmas wish come true! 💙

Take the bike and spend the ki eat you’re been saving up for a bike in some other small gifts for him. Give him more gifts under the tree to open!

He’s only 3 years old. He’ll be happy either way. Just keep that money saved for his next bday gift. Don’t overthink it.

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