If he was formula fed, it could be mild iron staining, and the dentist can easily remove it.
@Grace he does eat a lot of blueberries! that’s something that also got me thinking, but i wonder if that could stain it enough to not even come off with brushing 🤔
@Bonny that’s good to know about the dentist! he has been off of formula for about 3 months, and he was on an iron supplement that he’s been off for the same amount of time. this grey staining started after that, though, so I think we’d be able to rule that out. I’m not sure though!
@Savarrah It did for my sis; brushing did not get it off! Could totally not be the case for him and definitely good you are getting it checked out though. :)
@Grace man, let’s HOPE it’s just blueberries 😅😅😅 thank you for this!
Hi Savarrah! Just wondering what happened here? My toddler also has a gray tooth so worried about it!
This could be completely off but does he maybe eat a lot of blueberries? My younger sister ate lots of them when she was little and got her teeth stained near the gum line. Sorry if this is not helpful it just popped into my head!