How to get toddler to poo on potty/toilet

So we've got toilet training down. He's dry during the day and quite happily pees on the potty or toilet without any prompt from me. He tells me when he needs the toilet when we are out and is able to hold it until I find a bathroom. I'm so proud of him because he grasped toilet training really quickly. What I am having an issue with is poos. He will not poo on the potty or toilet and will only go in a nappy. He still wears a nappy for bed at the moment because he's not quite there with being dry over night, which is why I still have nappies for him. I've tried telling him that the nappies are only for bedtime and he needs to do his poos on the potty/toilet but he'll just hold it in. I don't want him making himself ill so I just get him a nappy. I've tried telling him that big boys do their poos on the toilet, like daddy and grandad etc, but he's having none of it. Does anyone have any tips on how to get my boy to poo on the potty or toilet? I'm not sure what to do!
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Perseverance! Our son is/was exactly the same. He's been completely potty trained since the summer but would only poo in a nappy. Since turning 3 we've been mentioning using the toilet a bit more, but not pushing it at all.... Just asking him if he wants to use the toilet or a nappy when he says he needs a poo. And literally this evening he's just had a poo on the toilet for the first time!

I don’t have any tips as my son is 4 and still does the same will hold it until he has a nappy on so waiting on reply’s x

@Meg thankyou for your advice! That's such a great achievement for your little boy!! 🎉❤️

So we decided to completely ditch the nappies when we started potty training, and one of my twins really did not like pooping on the potty, he would get all panicky and just not want to sit down, he would actually prefer doing it standing when naked. And we had couple of accidents going out, but eventually he got over it, the biggest was privacy, we would close the bathroom door and let him do it by himself, we would make a big deal out of it and let him flush it down the toilet. We would talk about how food goes through your mouth and the stomach etc and it has to exit so he had space for more food next day and that it was normal, he would watch us do it on the toilet regularly so that it was not a big deal. Hope this helps.

My toddler is similar (nursery said it’s really common). However the last 2 weeks we’ve been bribing him with a chocolate button and that seems to be helping 😂

We’ve not potty trained yet. Tried a day last week but he just neither bring me a nappy and asking me to put it on. Spoke to the health visitor and she suggested putting the nappy in the potty / under the toilet seat as the nappy seems to be a comfort / where he associates going. Hopefully he’ll then sit on the toilet / potty and then can remove the nappy after a while

There is an Andrex song about pooing on the toilet that helped a friend of mine’s son. Stay with them and reassure them and play the song every time they need a poo, then you might get to just sing it, then they might be able to sing it so they can do a poo

One of my twins was the same took 4 months for him to crack it you just have to bear with xx

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