Very hungry baby not getting full anymore

My little one is 7 weeks old and has been on/off cluster feeding for the last few days, but I feel like I’m not able to produce enough milk for him as he never seems to be full anymore so I have been topping up his last feed with previously expressed milk. Also when I express I’m not getting much milk either. Any advice? I miss the milk drunk cuddles!! 😭
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He’s getting enough milk. He’s probably going through a growth spurt or, like you said, cluster feeding. My son would CONSTANTLY act hungry around that age but never had any issues with nappies or his weight. You’ve got to think, they also use you like a dummy, any time they’re in pain, need comfort, want a cuddle. Their tummies are also tiny so they digest breast milk super quickly. If he’s getting enough wet and dirty nappies he should be okay.

Oh really! Well he has around 10 wet nappies a day but has struggled with dirty nappies since 5 weeks old (won’t go for a few a day or two at a time) currently not been for 2 days. But he is putting in weight well - around 3 lb 5 since his birth weight x

Breastfed babies can go up to 2 weeks without a poop. Breastfeeding produces less waste, so baby is utilizing all the milk for growing. Your baby is perfectly healthy! Just so you know your milk will regulate at 3 months so stock up the freezer now if you have the energy.

Everything said above. You don’t need to supplement, that’s just what cluster feeding looks like. Remember also that the breast isn’t only for feeding, it’s for comfort. So it’s not every time that they want the boob for food, they may also want it to sleep or for security, to feel loved, comforted. Cluster feeding can be tough but it’ll be over soon. Breastfed babies can go days without pooping as said above, your milk is tailored to their exact needs to they don’t have much to get rid of. Just breastfeed on demand as you’re doing.

It’s probably a growth spurt, it will settle down soon! As they get older the “milk drunk” look sort of decreases in my experience

Trust your body and your baby. As said above, so many reasons for seeking a feed. But don’t add to the feeds. If your baby is cluster feeding, it may be a growth spurt and baby is contacting the production team in your body to let them know that more milk will be required in the future and your body will adjust.

Thanks so much everyone. Really feeling like it’s consuming all my days and I just can’t get the hang of it so it’s nice to hear the reassurance that this is actually normal! Hopefully we will come out the other side of cluster feeding soon and we feeds will spread out a little more 🤞I won’t top up either that makes sense thank you x

@Olivia You're doing exactly what you're supposed to. The house and other tasks can wait. Your #1 priority is baby until their 1st birthday. 😊

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