I am going by the bags I have. I have 5oz bags and 10oz bags. I have also considered how much I can make within the time that you can keep the milk. In the fridge it's recommended to only store it for 5 days. I can only manage around 5/6oz so I normally start freezing when I get to 5 Oz
Breastfed babies never need more than 3-4 oz at once according to some lactation consultants so I wouldn't store in qualities higher than 4oz. You can use this calculator to work out how much to give https://kellymom.com/bf/pumpingmoms/pumping/milkcalc/
I think 4oz is probably enough at this stage, you can always freeze in larger amounts later if you find your baby wants more.
@Charley amazing thank you love! X
Thank you all for your replies! I think I’ll start with 4/5oz bags x
I currently see an infant feeding helper and she has suggested 1oz per hour - if you were to go out for four hours you would need 4oz. If you know how long your little one feeds for roughly this could then give you a good guideline of how much to store? Sorry if that’s no help!