The way our brains are wired right now we make mistakes because we are juggling so much at once, don’t be hard on yourself. All parents have experienced their baby fall at least once. As they grow and learn to crawl and walk they will also have moments where they fall it’s just part of life but I understand you feel it’s your fault because you didn’t strap her in but lesson learnt. We have to give ourselves grace as moms, same way our babies are growing and learning we as moms are also learning and growing. Important thing is that you are getting her checked out just in case but I’ve heard of babies falling higher than a baby high chair and were fine. Hope you both are ok.
I think it’s safe to say we’ve all had a fall scare at least once. Don’t beat yourself up over it. Just double check next time. Can’t change the past
Hey mama, the fact you made this post shows you are not a bad mum. You care and mistakes happens to all of us. Baby will be just fine, you are getting her checked and that’s the right thing to do.
A bad mom wouldn't make a post or even take their baby to the hospital!
We’re all learning and trying to best mamas to our little one’s. I know you feel horrible right now but this is a learning experience we all go through at some point. My daughter fell off the bed and I cried my eyes out. Sending hugs
Give yourself grace mama 🤍most likely she will be fine. I beat myself up so much the time my baby fell off the bed 😭he was a okay and now that he’s trying to walk he falls over a lot & is oki. Prayers for you & your little one
Hopefully it makes you feel better: yesterday I didn’t see that my toddler had his hands in the fridge while I was getting stuff out and I slammed the fridge door on his hand. The way he yelled still makes me go crazy 😭 for a second I thought I broke his fingers. I sobbed with him and he was happy 10 minutes later. Give yourself grace mama, you are only human and you didn’t do it on purpose. Im sure you will buckle her up next time the same way that I will never shut my fridge without looking down 😭
Next time u will know better safe than sorry poor baby ☹️
Thank you all for the support! We're home now and the doctors said she looks fine. Luckily she hit her forehead which they said is the strongest part of the head right now. We're going to continue to monitor her for the next day or so just in case but so far she seems to be back to her normal happy self, besides her being a little cranky right after because they wanted her to stay awake while she was there and she missed a nap 😅
Thanks for the update. I'm glad she's okay.
I can only imagine what you're going through. I would feel the same way but don't be hard on yourself. It was an honest mistake. I'm sure she'll be ok. It's good that you are going to the Dr. You sound like a great parent that just made a mistake. If it's any consolation, my mom used to sleep with us on her bed and when my 2 month old brother fell off of the bed head first onto the concrete floor, she didn't even take him to the Dr or buy him a crib and this continued until he was like 8. You would never know. He's brilliant.
Being a parent comes with mistakes. Being a great parent means learning from those mistakes. You are learning, so don't beat yourself up too much. Give her kisses and cuddles. I hope everything works out for the little one , I'm sorry this happened.