This sounds like normal toddler behavior and you are doing all the right things. I have a bad relationship with food too and I think part of that is because we label them as good or bad. And our anxieties sometimes get so overwhelming we can’t see the forest through the trees. He’s getting what he needs and as long as the doctor isn’t worried and he’s gaining as he should,‘I wouldn’t worry. His lunch is fine. Try making it from scratch (meal prep) and freeze if it helps. You can also try throwing in some peas or other veg. Mine always ate whatever we gave him and now he’s going through that picky stage too. I just offer a variety of things for him to try. I do find that if I use the shape cutters he’s more likely to eat things or at least try them. Maybe try that. Or have him help you make lunch? I promise this is normal and ok.
Yes to what everyone has said. Keep offering new items. I will put extra on my daughters plate, so I can “steal” some from her. I try to convey to her that it’s valuable and I want it, and sometimes that makes her think she wants it too 🤣
Are you upset he isn’t eating everything ? Maybe reevaluate your child and maybe you need to change some expectations! It sounds like he is eating fine and getting the nutrition he needs. The best you can do is try to give him the healthiest of what he likes. Keep adding new foods that’s great! Some dinners we’ll have all carbs 😂😭 as long as the whole day he is eating that’s great!