And you have to go through universal credit
Do you get UC? Check entitled to website. Depends how old your kids are as well. I think when they are 3 you should be looking for work. You get maternity pay from your employer or statutory maternity from the government if you’ve been employed for X amount of weeks but don’t qualify with your employer. All on the gov website if you Google 🙃
Depends how much your partner earns and whether you rent/own
If your partner earns then potentially nothing. It's a choice!
My husband warns 32-34K a year depending on bonus, for three months I got no pay from work as iv done my mat leave year off backwards and in those three months UC gave me nothing; even tho the on line calculator said I’d get about £370.. When I rang and asked and explained it’s unliveable the only advise I got was lower your bills if you don’t want to work 😂 so safe to say the experiment was a bust and ill be going back to work once my 9 months of Matt pay is over lol
If partner on a decent wage probably nothing
Would depend on partner/no partner, rent/no rent, how many children end x
My friend rang citizens advice who gave her a lot of support