Following. I've the same issue with both my kids 😔
@Yasmin how has it been? I hope it doesn't last long @Fee hope they get better soon
Trying to keep them separate, giving vitamins to both and antibac everything. Have a set place to put all the tissues/ gross stuff from toddler illness. Washing clothes etc
@Em thank you
@Sophie it’s been really hard especially with my newborn but it’s hard to keep them away from this horrible flu that’s going around 😔
If my toddler is sick I give her some of my breast milk
I also stay away from people lol
I’ve just accepted that if one of them gets something then we all get it 😅 & if any of us manage to dodge it then happy days 😆 mine are constantly swapping dummies or stealing each others.. drinks.. my drinks.. sharing toys ect.. feel like I’d be fighting a loosing battle
Well the baby got it and we are now in hospital with suspected bronchiolitis 😭 I can't stand seeing him so poorly
I had the same issue with my one year old and newborn recently had to separate the two for a week but my newborn still managed to fall unwell 😭😢