My son says mum to nobody in particular, hasn’t associated the word to me yet and doesn’t say anything else at all! I was concerned at first however when I started taking him to play group I ask a lot of the mums if their LOs are speaking and so far a lot of the almost 2 year olds either don’t speak or can only say a few words (less than 5). I have met a lot of babies and toddlers around our kids age and not a single one says more than 3 words so my mind is starting to relax more now😮💨 your LO is doing well with 5 words!
They wouldn’t be considered to have a speech delay until age of 2 and wouldn’t get referred to specialist until 2 years and 3/4 months old x
My little boy can only say dada and has only just started clapping hands. I get so worried about his speech but they won't look at it until he is 2
5 words at this age is completely fine and good 🫶🏼 Some children are more interested in physical play over 'talking' or they observe actions and pick them up quickly or are able to follow instructions like 'can you pick up a book?' The lady who runs one of our baby groups actually told us she was non verbal till almost 5 and she hands down is much better at starting conversations and talking then I am 😬 sooo yeah 🫶🏼
My son says Mama, Dada, Ella, Star & Yeah. I really wouldn’t consider 5 words delayed! I think it’s really clever actually of such a tiny person to say what I consider so much!
My son says grandad and monkey... That is all 😂 other than babbling and his speaking (which nobody can make out what he's saying). Don't be worried yet. They are learning and it'll come :) the health visitor will check when the littles are roughly 2 and probably have an expectation then but just now I think it's not to be expected that they have lots of words down and clear