They don’t want to induce pre term as there may be issues. Post 37 weeks they know that the lungs are formed etc. As they are monitoring daily it seems that they are keeping a careful watch by checking the HR. I would say your best option is to keep this up. Have you tried prodding the babies back or bum - does this not make it move?
I definitely think even if it turns out nothing is actually wrong you deserve for them to actually hear your concerns rather than dismissing it. I've found that if I need anything my midwives have been a much better advocate for my needs that the doctors who I've always felt just see me as just another annoyance in their lives. Could you speak to them and see if they can light a fire under the doctors to start working with you
Is there anyone else who can help advocate for you? Sometimes a little bit of reinforcement from someone else can be helpful. Regardless, they should be listening to your concerns and having an open dialogue about why they think there is no need to be concerned and everything is ok. I’m sure if there was genuine cause for concern they would be doing something more and not stonewalling you. xx
@Charlotte Sorry for the late reply! i’ve tried absolutely everything and babies still not moving i don’t know what else to do really
I’m sure if you go in 3 times for reduced movements after 37 they suggest inducing you? Keep up the monitoring until then
Your voice should be heard and I’m sorry it isn’t being by the hospital. Maybe ring up and explain your thoughts before going in and see if there’s anything they can do for you? Sending love and hope you get more answers than you’re getting atm x