Don’t feel guilty, hormones changes is unfortunately incomprehensible. Journaling is actually a good idea. And if you feel you going to start to be irritable maybe it’s good if you isolate yourself from get some space and focus on you. Like for exemple, taking a bath, pampering yourself, listening meditation do a walk in a park, doing a meet up with other mums 😉
Thank you both so much!! It’s validating to hear I’m not alone! 🥹 I definitely need to start doing more stuff that brings me joy because all I do lately is work!
It’s normal n hormonal, if you feel like writing journal that can help you. Try hypnobirthing.. it will help you meditate and also learn about empowering birth. Hv a look into it, it helped me, in my both births
I was apparently like that. I was the calm one out of all my siblings and everyone knew it. During pregnancy my sister called me a mean pregnant lady. I just didn’t care 😂 it’s the darn hormones, do the yoga! And other things that relax you