Toilet/potty training nightmare.

Need some advice for anyone who has dealt with this recently - please no general advice as I think I’ll actually have another melt down if someone tells me the usual methods 😅 sorry! I just need to speak to someone who’s had a major toilet/potty regression and can offer some advice? We started potty training very early - bad mistake. She got the fear of the potty (we never made it a negative experience, she’s just very strong willed and doesn’t want to do anything we guide her to do), so we got her a toilet seat, great at first, but again… she ended up hating the idea. We’ve tried sticker charts, star buckets she puts stars into and gets a prize, we’ve tried no nappy on for 2 weeks solid staying in the house all day every day, we had a few wins but mostly lows as she really had no issue peeing on the floor - I have to remind, never ever punished, never made it stressful. We’ve eventually said ok let’s just try no nappies and see where it gets us - again. This week we’ve had a couple of wins but mostly lows, bed wetting every night, holding wee today since 5Pm yesterday while my MIL had her (no wee for 14 hours!!!!!) eventually she has weed but again, all over the floor, took her to the toilet and she did sit and finish but wouldn’t let me take her knickers down. I’m hesitant to go back to the nappies now, she clearly uses them as comfort, so I don’t want to put one on for night time either. What do I do? Health visitor is coming on 26th as I really am not coping well with it I feel like such a failure!! It doesn’t help how strong willed she is, her behaviour and listening and responding to reward is not great too so I’m struggling. Shall I go and buy another little potty for living room? Is that a step backwards? Do I just put nappies back on? She goes to nursery in January I’m terrified she’ll be the only one. Really need some advice 😔 I’ve sat and sobbed. If it was just this it wouldn’t be as bad, but alongside only eating crappy foods, not listening to me… it’s all too much!! 😔
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I wouldn't go back to nappies. I think take a step back and try again with a potty instead of the toilet seat. You are not a failure!

We had exactly the same and it had to be on her terms! We kept nappies at night because night time is a whole other ball game and she’s happy with that and able to separate why she still needs them at night because sleepy girls might not know they need the toilet! She chose her pants, toilet seat, we read books about it and watch YouTube videos, but ultimately it was her little brother coming along and her seeing how tiny his nappies were that sort of pushed her to ‘grow up’ I guess. Have you got any babies you can visit and talk about it? Mine was also holding for you to 12hours too I honestly thought we’d never get there, but she ended up getting it really quickly when she finally decided to wear pants it’s just poo we’re working on now!

On the night time bed wetting, they can be fully potty trained but night time dryness is a chemical change in the brain and not something that can be learnt! Our 3yo has been out of nappies for months now but is still in a nappy overnight (“night time knickers”) and more often than not it’s wet in the morning. Whilst I can’t help with the rest (except our girl loved the book “no more nappies”) save your sheets and sanity overnight and stick with a nappy! One day it’ll be consistently dry and you can stop 💪🏻

@Madeleine agree with this! My girls still in “night time nappy” sometimes wakes up or wakes us in the night to go for a week and other times her nappy is full! But yeah day and night is totally different so I’d focus on day time first!

Can’t offer you any advice but want to let you know you’re not alone. Mine has never done more than a trickle on the potty or toilet and he will freak out if that happens. I end up putting nappies on him because he will hold it for so long I’m worried about him getting an infection. I’ve been trying to train him on and off since he was 2.5. Now he just keeps telling everyone he gets a new toy if he does a wee or a poo on the potty, I keep reminding him of that when he picks things out that he wants but it hasn’t worked yet! Also, he started preschool in September and I desperately wanted him potty trained by then but they don’t seem bothered about him being nappies.

Thank you all for your advice - and reassurance ❤️❤️ I’ve decided to put a nappy on for bed, I am worried she’ll not be able to understand it’s only for night time and it’ll confuse her as she is that was inclined… she just doesn’t really understand things like that usually, but I shall see what tomorrow brings! I’m also going to go and buy one of those portable potties for when we go out, I’m going to leave it in the living room though - 1) so she gets used to it for when we’re out and 2) so maybe she might start using that as well as the toilet? If it’s easier then I’ll definitly stick with that and palm off the toilet for now 😅 thank you all again - this has been a rough ride to say the least, definitly the hardest battle yet but I know now I’m not alone ❤️

buy a little potty again, and just have it casually, it’s not a step back! my first born was the same very strong willed & everything had to be on her terms, i attempted to potty train her early & she just wouldn’t do it, no matter i did, so i kept her in nappy’s, then one day on her terms she told me she wanted the potty & we never went back. but my 3 year old is still in nappy’s, goes to nursery & has only very recently showed an interest in the potty, each morning getting dressed & bath time i offer the potty sometimes he says yes, other times it’s no, just don’t push it, she will eventually do it. they are only babies still, don’t be hard on yourself

We started potty training at 2.5 with my son, he’s only just in the last 2 months been dry at night and he’s 3 years and 8 months. Focus on the daytime, not night… that’s to do with a brain chemical, not trained 🙂 also don’t panic about nursery, there’s still lots who are in same situation at my sons nursery xx

My daughter isn't fully toilet trained yet (we're getting there, but it's been a long journey to get there). She started at preschool in September and I put so much pressure on myself to have her trained before then. We've found she has really come on since she started as she sees other children using the potty/toilet. We've been told there are a few others not trained yet either and she is one of the youngest so not the only one which I also feared she would be.

My 3yr old isn't potty trained either, she's on pull ups and we keep taking her after meal and many times she success doing both number 1 and 2 but if I put kickers she won't understand the feeling of wetness and she won't tell nothing either if she's wet herself... so nursery started with knickers and no accidents so far but at home I m keeping her in nappy ( I know u guys will think she's getting confused that's why she's not potty trained) but I try putting her on knickers at home 2 times and she had accidents... I was going to take her out and jeep her home for good few weeks so I can train her fully ( as our living room is carpeted so was going to get stuff to cover everything but manager said do it in Dec when she's off for 2 weeks ) so hoping to do it then....

but after reading comments from all above another thing click in my head is to get a potty for her , coz when we started initially when she was 1.5 or 2 she was sitting on potty but it was too small for her so we straight away doing in the toilets but looks like we need to buy potty... can anyone suggest anything else?????

@Payal I done the exact same thing literally like for like! Potty too early, bought something for the toilet, turns out I think I just needed to stick with the potty - I’m going to buy one today and see how we get on ☺️

I also have bought these which seem good - I was thinking if things really do regress further and I need to try something else, these look like knickers but have padding which could be better for her not to confuse things!

Wanted to update! We have some serious progress I could not be more proud 🥹 we decided to put nappies on for bed time, but she was getting constipated from holding her poos in so we opted for putting one on about an hour before bed time just so she can have a poo if she needs one as I didn’t want to get her poorly. Well the last few days she’s came on amazing, no accidents the last 2 days and asked to go for a wee wee in the toilet each time.. using a star chart which is working amazing I’ll link the one we’re using below as usually she responds terrible to sticker charts so I’m pleased this is working ☺️ fingers crossed it stays like this! X

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@Rachel well done - I am also getting her potty today so hopefully she'll sit there frequently and tell us her down below feeling and one day she will be nappy free

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