I had my first at 34 weeks and was considered high risk with my second but I don't remember being told not to, but I still avoided it to be safe. They never figured out why I went into early labor with my first but I went on to have a full term pregnancy second time
I wasn’t but that’s isn’t what cause my first birth. Had my first at 28+5 weeks cause of preeclampsia and my second came at 40 weeks on the dot.
I don’t actually know for sure what caused my pre term labour but I’m 90% sure it was bc I had a water infection, I just don’t know wether I’m allowed to do anything or not
Yes, was told not to but we did a few times throughout the end. And our baby was born at 38 weeks via induction to break my waters coz I was 5cm dilated for a week and I ended up having a 1 hour labour from start to finish. My first pregnancy was 34 week prem due to short cervix and they said I wouldn't make it past 28-32 weeks with the second and yeah they were wrong about that one