@chan I’m 18 weeks 😩 it pops more from the side but I need it to show in the front lol hopefully soon.
I look like I'm 8 mo pregnant 😅 I started showing at 9 wks.
I didn't start showing until I was 8 months with my first lol 😭 I'm currently 16+4 with my second and only have a small bump 🙃 I feel you!
I'm 17 weeks and still hardly showing. Nobody can really tell that Im pregnant yet. But my 🍑 sure has gotten bigger.
I’m 19 weeks and have certainly expanded but nowhere near where I thought I’d be by now. You can only kinda tell from the side when I stand. When I sit I’m just a rollie pollie. lol
@Jennifer I think too some days I look big then some days don’t I’m only 9 weeks 4 days atm x
@chan wouldn't your due date be like late June then?
@Kathy haha they say you show faster with your second
@chan True it does change a lot esp when I’m more active
@Jennifer yep!
I started showing at about 10 weeks! But now at 16 weeks it still looks the same 😅
This is my second pregnancy and my bumped popped this time around 16 weeks
Same!! I have a small bump but most look bloated 🤣
About to hit 18 weeks and nothing 🙃 hoping by my 20 week appt it’s noticeable!
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@Audrey yes 17th June by the evening I’m huge from bloating in the morning I’m flat 😂🙈
I didn’t show u till 16 weeks then woke up with a bump from no we’re ♥️♥️