My daughter had croup and ended up in and out of hospital for a week. She would only drink small amounts of milk and refused solids but we got the fruit pouches and she'd have some of them, if she didn't finish the pouch I'd put small dots of the food onto greaseproof paper and freeze and put some in a bowl she would happily eat them and they melt in seconds
I’m in the exact same boat at the moment! We also went to the drs as he wasn’t eating or drinking (only drinking tiny bits of milk) they weren’t concerned as he was still having 3 wet nappies in 24hrs. Drs basically gave me permission to feed him rubbish if that’s all he wanted just so he’s eating something so I’ve been offering icecream and yogurts mostly as that’s all he really wants to eat. He’s had chest , sinus, ear and throat infections as well as his top teeth cutting through so he’s really been through it and been looking a little slimmer from not eating a whole lot. He’s gradually getting his appetite back but where his throat was sore all he wanted was smooth foods that were cold so that’s what i gave him , sometimes he’d eat skips too xxxx
I was in exactly the same scenario a few weeks ago. He had viral infections and an ear infection with antibiotics. I didn’t realise until a week later but he also had his two upper molars coming through too! We had to revert to pouches whilst he was sat in front of Ms Rachel to get any food down him at all. I was so worried that it would be a bad habit that would stick but since he’s been better he’s pretty much eating back to normal without needing a distraction 😊. Hang in there it does it get better! X