My husband helps when he can if he comes out early some nights he helps a lot but most night im doing the night routine alone
I feel this as well but I have a 20 month old toddler and a 3 month old with the whole household to take care of or else it just doesn’t get done. The time I get to myself is when both are down for bedtime and I get everything done and then I take a shower..usually this is around midnight-1am for me 😅 and it definitely isn’t an every day thing. I’ve learned I have to pick my battles if I want to have time to take care of myself. So if dishes still need to be done by the end of the night and I want to shower, I’ll wash what I’ll definitely need in the morning/before naptime and then wait until naptime the next day to do them, so I can shower the night before. With only 1 it’s a bit easier to do, especially when they’re younger with multiple nap times throughout the day. Choose a nap in the day that you can use to set aside time for yourself. It’s a sacrifice of time you could be doing other things but taking care of yourself is just as, if not more, important than the other stuff.
I was just saying this today
It will get better! 3mo is still very early... You and your husband are still learning and adjusting to life with your baby. You're both supposed to be tired right now! Keep asking him to do things, it's good for him and will keep him engaged as a father. The best thing is to get him to commit to doing tasks on a regular schedule. Can he cover your showers on certain days 3 times a week, or do kid bathtime every Sunday? Also, find ways to leave the house every day. Go to a mom's group, go for a walk, go to library story hour, go to Gymboree, go to MOPS. It will get you dressed in the morning and energize you. Plus, your kid can't make a mess if you're not there. Start reaching out to other moms near you now, make time for people, and before you know it, you will have your village. 🏘
I’m sorry you feel lonely! I totally understand and I feel this to even at 8 months pp. some say it does get better and it’s gotten easier but sometimes it still hits me. If you ever need someone to talk to please reach out! I’m a sahm with so much time on my hands! I’d love a new friend! Stay strong momma! Our littles won’t be little forever 🩷
I can relate and my baby isn't even here yet. My partner works very long hours, comes home, eats, we feed our dog, then he goes to sleep. The weekends he just wants to stay in and rest which I do understand, but it does make me worry that once our baby is here, is it going to be the same where I'm spending 7 days a week looking after him with no help, or will it change a bit and he'll chip in to help out. If you ever want to chat/vent about things, feel free to drop me a message. You're not alone