We're 4 weeks in, its bloody hard but so worth it once you find some sort of routine! Xx
We're 4 weeks in too, luckily we've had help. I think I thought the nights would be the hardest but so far we've done okay with divide and conquer and as we were already tired with 1, it's not felt as extreme going from 1-2. I struggle with the day a bit, mainly due to the terrible twos as my son is 2.5 years now and he's still quite jealous and not used to sharing attention but hoping to ride it through. He loves his sister though. In hindsight I wonder if a 3.5 year age gap would have been better but think it's always an adaptation but everyone says it's worth it when they are older and can play with one another
The first couple months were difficult ish just because we are learning together and we also figured out she had a dairy allergy. But now she’s 1 and my first is 2.5 and it’s great