My little one does swimming (also 3) independently and sometimes he gets told off and has this thing of trying to swim down to the floor in swimming whilst the teacher is with another child. His instructor speaks to the children 1-1 and reminds them of the rules (he does this to nearly all the children at some point in the lesson) and I sit on the side giving my little boy the ‘stop it’ eyes lol! I think they are testing their boundaries at this age and learning/seeing what they can get away with and who with xx
Wow, he's really young to be doing independent lessons without you. Oliver lost interest in swimming and also just wanted to do his own thing. He was going on a Wed but now at nursery on a wed so we've just decided to wait until he's older. His classes were parent and child though, that's all I know around here unless it's 1-1 How many are in your little ones' class (swimming) xx