Does anyone have this?

Is it worth the price tag?
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My friends little baby enjoys it he’s only a couple months old but my 1 year old thinks its very boring after a few seconds but I guess depends on age and what ur child plays with

@Nikola fab thank you, I'm just finding a collection of bits for my newborn for when he's a bit older

@Chloe yes good age then when they start liking to hold and rip things out of things x

Does anybody know of any cheaper alternatives?

@Nikola thanks a lot! Just added it to my LB's 6 week old Christmas wish list 💕

The learning box thing goes along with a specific Ms Rachel YouTube video. I just bought a sensory box that had different material squares in it. Kind of similar to the ones listed by Nikola.

@Wendy ah does it? I might just get him a normal one then thank you

@Sam ah no my toddler has the learning card machine, absolutely hate the thing🤣

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