My little one had it recently, but only a mild case. I’d say he wasn’t himself for five days. The worst point was the night between day 2 and day 3. It didn’t help that we still didn’t realise that he had HFM at that point. After the five days where he wasn’t very well it was just a case of waiting for the spots to go, which took another 2-3 days I think. His nursery have a 5-day exclusion policy even though the NHS says it isn’t necessary, so check what your nursery’s policy says. For us, teething gel seemed to help with little one’s mouth pain. Difflam spray is also recommended. Good luck! Hope your little one is better soon.
Yep. Managed it with calpol, nurofen and difflam. Also an antibiotic cream as his blisters got infected. It lasted a week. Worst days were the first two. Couldn’t go to nursery as he wasn’t ok in himself but they also have an exclusion policy for it.
My daughter got it when she was about 7 months old. She struggled day 3 and day 4 the most because she couldn't crawl and stuff. Calamine lotion helps with itching. I gave her Tylenol when her fever spiked. She was her normal cheerful self. I dressed her in light clothes. It lasted for about 12 to 14 days. And she still has those marks 2 months later. Hopefully they go away completely eventually