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Do you see a faint line or am I just crazy?
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Faint line for sure

Def pregnant hunny. Congratulations 🥰🥰

I see it!! Congrats!

I thought a faint line means early positive. Well that’s how mine looked at like 10DPO then the next morning it shot up pretty bright red

Since a pregnancy test won't show even a faint line if there's no hcg in your urine, and hcg is only present if you're pregnant, I'd say it's definitely positive :) tests can occasionally be wrong but a false negative is a lot more likely than a false positive. Just keep testing every few days to see if the line gets darker. Congratulations 💗

Every single faint line I’ve ever had, I was pregnant 🤷🏻‍♀️ Yes I see a faint line!

@Riley where are you getting your information from?

Theres definitely a second line 🤍 A faint positive is still positive, probably just early x

Yes and she would be coming up to that 2-3 mark to which she has a faint positive as hcg has been detected, which means she’s in the early stages of her pregnancy. If she is wasn’t pregnant the test pregnancy line would be blank. I’m not really sure I understand what you mean. Anyways…. I say it’s looking good girl and keep testing. It will go darker x

@Riley according to clearblues website they state even a faint line does mean you are pregnant. When TTC I took pregnancy tests almost everyday. It tests if HGC is present and it only will be present if your body thinks it’s pregnant. I had no line at all the cycles I did not pregnant. When I did get pregnant a faint line showed early, a few days after my missed period and as my HGC levels increased it gets darker. https://www.clearblue.com/pregnancy-tests/faint-line#:~:text=Any%20positive%20line%2C%20no%20matter,see%20a%20faint%20positive%20line.

I see it, congrats!

I see it xxx congratulations

@Riley - clearly the things cited by other women disprove your idea that it ‘says so on most boxes’. I think what you’re thinking of might be an indentation or evaporation line? That is a negative. However, if there is dye in the line, even faint - that signals it’s a positive pregnancy test.

Sorry common knowledge is that all pregnancy test boxes and instructions state you are indeed pregnant with any faint colored line. Do hope you’re ok. You sound like you’re really troubled.

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@Riley a faint line is def not “always” there sweetheart. I think you should take a breath and take this negative energy somewhere else. I wish you well.

Ah yes, she’s 19 and knows everything. We can all go home everyone else. Don’t worry, Riley has it all figured out. 🤣

@Riley you’re not a very nice person to be a bully and call someone delusional and telling someone else to shut up. All the best to you girly 🙏🙏

@Riley honey, you’re the only one embarrassing herself here.

@Riley no worries

@Riley - I misspelled a word. The absolute horror! 🤣🤣🤣 You really are laughable. Happily going to utilize the block button cause your childishness is exhausting. Bye babes. Enjoy your sad existence.

Definitely ❤️ you have to have hcg present to trigger the dye in that part of the test. Congratulations x

I used to look for faint lines and think I saw them, when I was truly pregnant the line was dark, no guessing. So I would say or too early

WOAH WOAH WOAH ladies this is a positive app I thought no need to go against anyone here EVERYONE is entitled their own opinions and thoughts about things right or wrong! Spread love not negativity 🩷🩷🪬🪬


Definitely pregnant ❤️❤️❤️ I tested twice positive like this, each time at 4 weeks! Congratulations!

@Riley That is inaccurate information. Did you read the article I linked from clear blue? It states even if line is faint you are pregnant, not maybe. And I had dozens of tests with no faint line, so how would you explain that?

@Riley Majority of pregnancy tests are 99% accurate so yes 1% of the time you may have a false positive. So, that can happen, but very low chance. Heres another article that confirms my statement above: https://www.clearblue.com/pregnancy-tests/false-positive-results

@Riley To your point, to know for sure it’s best to wait for a stronger line but as someone who personally was trying get pregnant for months, I tested multiple times daily even if I knew it was way too early because I was excited and wanted to know ASAP.

Grats it looks positive. You can take a few over the next few days to see if it keeps getting darker! But congrats!!

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@Riley How is it irrelevant if your whole point is it’s common sense to wait longer for a stronger line? I am purely stating that many people test as early as they can because they are impatient and excited. You can purchase just the paper strips in bulk so it’s not that expensive. You’re being extremely rude. I am just trying to provide accurate information from a direct source and from my own personal experiences. To conclude a faint line does mean you are in fact pregnant (with a 1% chance of a false positive) and your claim that there is always a faint line is inaccurate.

Definitely a line!!!

Congrats! You're pregnant 🎉

I see it but if you still need more confirmation continue the to more tests until your satisfied but it does look positive!

@Riley if you don’t have the time to get yourself educated on the facts then you should not be spending your time spreading misinformation

@Riley don't fatta be a cunt and the grow up c9mment is unnecessary 🙄 your the only teenager that's commented everyone else is in their thirties or twenties so you grow up and get off the app if u can't handle someone else's happiness I found out I was pregnant with a fainter line than that

@WillowI see it 😍 This is how mine looked!! I thought I was delulu until I took a digital test a day later and saw the magic 8 letter word x

Yes girllll!!!!

@Riley yes you are. You said that there is always a faint line and it doesn’t mean you are pregnant. But with 99% accuracy it does! I really hope in the future you do your research and check your facts before spreading them. I also hope instead of being so defensive and responding with name calling and rude remarks you can take accountability and admit when your wrong as well as view other peoples perspectives, like those of us who’ve experienced pregnancy loss or fertility struggles and how testing early might not make sense to you but it does to me. I sincerely hope the best for you ❤️

@Riley, oh honey, no. You are correct that it can take up to 2/3 weeks to conceive after sex BUT that doesn't mean it will actually take that long. Also, most people take tests because they are having symptoms, therefore potentially already conceived. I took a test due to severe fatigue. It was positive, I was 4 weeks pregnant at the time. Meaning I conceived 2 weeks prior. You also have no idea how long after sex OP took the test, so it's kind of irrelevant anyway. Everyone knows that you only get a positive, even faintly so if the test picks up HCG in your urine. You only have HCG when you are pregnant. You can get indentation and evaporation lines, and despite it being incredibly rare, a false positive. I've taken many tests across multiple brands, and the only one that had 2 lines of ANY kind was the one that was positive for my pregnancy with my son. Everyone is telling you that you are wrong. Gracefully accept that you were or that you got confused.

Also, Willow, that's positive. Congratulations ❤️

@RileyDo you realize how horrible you sound right now? You could have simply said, "just recheck in the morning to confirm." Instead, you're on here arguing with people and being kind of nasty. This is someone's happiness and you're shitting on it. The test is definitely positive.

I reported her and she’s blocked me. It’s really sad that there are mums like her ruining happiness for people and being a bully. I see it so much and it’s so disgusting.

I missed all the tea. Did she delete her comments or what

@Bethany right I’m so lost

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Heck ya

I see it

Definitely see something, use grey scale and take a photo! It should show better

@Audrey no they reported her and her page got taken down ig

I think I see a very faint 2nd line

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