Take each day as it comes. You will get a lot of advice but do what’s best for you. You know your child better than anyone else ❤️
I’m also a first time mom but one thing I regret is not sticking up for myself and staying firm on my boundaries
Always trust your gut & don't underestimate the fact you're a mother & know what your baby needs more than anyone else. You have a special connection with your baby. A GP told me that & it reassured me
Trust yourself- mum instinct is a real thing
I second above. What ive learnt in the past 7 weeks is that its so easy for people to dismiss you being a FTM but go with your gut and if you think somethings wrong then dont be afraid to ask for help. I listened to those around me when i should have seeked attention for him way before so although your a FTM, dont doubt yourself as you'll know your child. Also, definitly take time for yourself whether you have a partner or not, it can get very hard sometimes so remember to take time for yourself when you can. Self care matters for us too🤗 and most importantly, enjoy it! its so easy to stress and the short time you have with them as newborns flies by so absolutly enjoy the cuddles and making them feel loved, safe and nurtured. Goood luck and all the best❤️