My boys are 14 years apart and I actually can’t believe the difference now
I had my first 9 years ago and my 2nd 2 years ago. There’s definitely a difference. With my first I was breastfeeding but people pushed formula on me so much that I ended up stopping at 3 months. My 2nd I breastfed till she was almost 2. I also think with your 2nd you care less about what people have to say about your parenting style.
Had my first in 2022 so don’t know what the norms used to be but I think for sure lots of people bed share, nurse to sleep, and don’t sleep train. Maybe Instagram helped normalized those things?
I can’t really speak on how it was before but bed sharing is ok in other cultures. I wasn’t aware it was frowned upon until I had my baby in the UK. In the Caribbean it’s normalised.
I agree. Even from 2018-2021 was a different vibe in my experience. When the official advice is make your baby sleep on a flat concrete surface alone, people stop taking you seriously after a while. I am being a little sarcastic… maybe… nevertheless
@Sera Kay ✨ my first is 11 years apart to still currently pregnant though
I would say do what’s best for your family regardless of what anyone say
@Ayesha so true, I’m definitely a lot more in tune with what I want to do and realize what works best for our family! I feel like I saw sleep training especially being forced on everyone all over the internet back in 2020 but I may just ignore it more now haha
@Sydney there are some good accounts on those approaches so I do think that helped get positive information to more people! I feel like I had to search that type of thing out though, and the common majority of what I saw on Instagram before was “use this sleep trainer” “when are you sleep training” “sleep training will solve all the issues!”
@Ebonee yes, it’s the norm in most other cultures! It’s also the most natural way to sleep with your baby and if done correctly the safest way for baby to sleep. I’ve loved my bed sharing years!
@Tam absolutely! That’s what’s so great about motherhood is having so many options and getting to pick what works best for you! I know these things I’ve done just don’t work for some babies and moms. I’m just loving that doing it this was isn’t frowned upon anymore and there is a realization that there are more ways than one to in these areas!
@S yes people told me to allow my daughter to sleep in her own bed however my daughter has a lot of health issues and I do mean a lot due to allergies and gastrointestinal issues and I’m a nurse so I’m glad I did allow her to sleep in my bed due to her allergies and migraines she sufferers from she have to be watched constantly so again listening to people don’t always work
I've never bed shared with my daughter except for one time when we had to go to a safe sleep shelter and never again I woke up and she was stuck between bed frame her head was stuck and the rest of her body went down she could've died better to be safe than sorry
My first was 11 years ago so absolutely everything has changed for me! 😅