Wow! The amount of inaccurate information they have is astounding! It's actually been proven that having pets in the home reduces developing allergies and asthma by quite a lot. Also, swallowing cat hair... ? 🤣 Do they think your baby is a cat and licking up fur balls? Like yes, the baby might get some cat hair once in a while by default but it's not dangerous and I doubt it'll be in huge amounts to be concerned about, just keep your home tidy, which I know you are. We've had our two cats since before our baby was born and she's almost 11 months now. We haven't had a single issue with our cats or Labrador retriever. Having pets teaches your child a lot of other valuable things including empathy and how to be gentle with others, among other things. Tell them you'd be more open to their advice if it actually made sense 💀
My baby girls first 6 months was in a room with me, my husband, and 4 cats. We co sleep with our baby girl too. My baby is now 20 months old, and she loves her cats. My mom at the time we were living with was trying to get me to get rid of my animals, too. I told her I wasn't getting rid of them.
@Summer that is such an adorable photo. Definitely deserves to be blown up and put on a wall
@Ellie thank you 😊
Pets, both cats and dogs actually help prevent allergies both environmental ones & food allergies.,of%20allergies%20and%20obesity%2C%20respectively.
Multiple studies back the opposite of what your parents & in-laws are concerned about.
Cats are trainable like dogs are! Especially if your cat likes food/treats! They admittedly do take a bit longer & can be more stubborn than dogs, but it’s so possible! Also installing tiny cat perch shelves up on the wall above where your child will be able to reach them might help cut down on your cats behaviors! Cause they’ll be able to jump up there & have some alone time & space (:
I'd put my foot down and tell them I do not want to hear it again or they aren't welcome. It is over stepping! If any of this were true, all of my kids would either have asthma or choked to death by now. It's good for kids to grow up with animals!