@Anisa oh that’s positive news, mine was also for midday! So hopefully it won’t be too much of a wait
About a day and a half x
Yes, mine was delayed for 24 hours but once I arrived at the hospital (5pm) things were pretty quick from then on.
@Becky one thing I didn’t want to hear, waiting until the next day but I do understand there could be some emergencies that come in. Glad they did speed on with things for you once you were in though!
Same thing happened to me I was ment to get induced 3 weeks before my due date because of complications but they induced me on my due date which led to complications like I knew it would! I know hospitals trying their best but their so over run it's pulling them to the ground! Xx
@Kyia oh wow a 3 week delay is quite long! I hope everything was okay on the end. I’ve luckily had a call to go in shortly. Yeah you’re right, it’s literally in and out just to get through people. I’m hoping I’m just in and out myself tbh!
I waited a week - to the very end of my induction window rather than the first or precise day
Yes it happened with me I was booked for 12 midday and told to wait as they didn’t have beds available and I ended up then getting a call 2 hours later and was booked in around 4pm.