I don't have any experience of the balloon but I had the drip. My waters had been broken for 3 days so they gave me the option of the drip or c section to get him out quick. After 3 days of contractions and being stuck at 2cm I went from 2-10 in less than an hour! Intense but very effective! I hope your induction goes smoothly
No expert of the balloon but my pessary induction was easy peasy
I had the pessary around 6pm then started having contractions around 9pm, not too intense and then they ramped up around 12am and she was here by 2:33am! I had an amazing birth, it went so fast and I pushed for 30 mins. I had gas and air when it got bad! I’m hoping for a similar experience this time because it was amazing 🥰🥰 xx
I am being induced right now , so will let you know !
Good luck… sorry don’t have any stories for you. I’m due 25th dec and also GD, baby size no concern so far but just feel I’m waiting for a decision myself if they’ll bring her early or not. Midwife says yes as I’m on insulin but GD team say not necessarily! So just waiting at the moment 👌🏻