@Mya thank you! That gives me hope lol
They do end up stopping, hurt like hell when my daughter did it!! They say to pull them off dont react and say no but honestly I reacted every time cause it hurt so much loooool but she stopped! She does still scrape her teeth on my nipple sometimes but not very often only now shes teething again!
Our latest bite resulted in blood, and it's been so painful to feed on since. For the past 24 hours, I have just fed from one boob in the hope it can finally heal properly. I don't know how anyone can calmly react to it. It was sooo painful. We were both crying at one point! It read that if a baby is feeding properly, it is impossible to bite, so it's normally down to teething, playing at the end of a feed, poor latch, or not being hungry enough. I now make sure he is definitely hungry, give him a teething toy just before so he can bite on that and focusing on when the sucking lessens so I know he is done and take him off before he has the chance to use my nipple as a toy. I am hoping this is as bad as it gets 🤞🤞🤞
All I can say it gets better, mine has 8 teeth now and he does this from time to time but not as often now 😂