For your own peace, don't speak to him again. I'd be blocking him and deleting his number so that I'm not tempted to make contact.
@Samira 😔 I feel so stupid. Thank you your message helps open my eyes. I’m not crazy ..
@Rebecca I have stopped talking to him a month ago. I’m so hurt. Thank you.
Plus, he begged me not to block him eve not to change my phone number because one day, when his life’s in order, he’ll come back for me.. I told him that I don’t believe him anymore but there’s a part of me that was waiting until now. I’m done.
I once watched a video that said the right people make time for you. There's no such thing as it was the wrong timing with a good person. This guy is not your person. The right person doesn't play games and makes time for you, all the time! ❤️
Sounds like he keeps building you up just to let you down, twice—huge red flag. He also sounds very flaky. As hard it might be (due to your feelings), I would stop talking to him. The closure is in how he keeps breaking his promises to you. Actions speak louder than words. ❤️