@Victoria thank you! Would you say 0.8 is low? I’ve not heard from the midwife so I’m abit worried
I had low papp a, i think they counted low as anything under 0.31 my levels were 0.29 so just slightly under, it didn’t affect my pregnancy at all, I had extra scans every 2 weeks in my third trimester, but everything was fine. I had my daughter back in march and she was 6lbs3. My hospital rang me to say my levels were low so hopefully if they’ve not said anything that’s a good sign?🥰
@Holl I was actually never given a figure . They left a message on my answering machine to say call them. i when i rang they said you have low papp A and we would like you to see the consultant. it was all such a whirlwind too be honest, first pregnancy etc and google then terrified me lol. overall i actually found a positive in it, i had extra appointments and scans which gave me more opportunities to see the baby and hear the heart. i would recommend calling your community midwives and ask them to explain your results and if any further action will be taken, then you aren’t left in no man’s land and worrying! Is there anything on your notes? some times the online notes don’t update straight away.
Most places use 0.4 as the cut off for ‘low’ so yours is fine @Holl
They put a leaflet in with my letter about low PAPP-A with no further context or tel call so I rang the screening team and spoke to a lady and she was really helpful and offered reassurance. She said it depends on the Trust (ridiculous that not everyone gets the same care) what the next steps are but in my case they have written to Dr to prescribe daily aspirin, referred me to a consultant and arranged extra checks / growth scans. The main concerns are early labour / low birth weight but it's not a guarantee and you can have a 'normal' pregnancy. Hope that helps a little but I would try speaking with the screening team or your midwife
I’ve been told the same - this is my second pregnancy but I didn’t have this with my first. I’ve been prescribed aspirin to take daily & got extra growth scans booked for week 30, 34 & 38 xx
I had low Papp A with my last pregnancy (3rd baby) and was 0.4. I had pre eclampsia with my 1st baby. I had to take aspirin and I do again for this pregnancy (4th) even though my Papp a levels were 0.92. Your midwife should discuss with you if they think there is anything to worry about x
Please were those diff letter? Received Down syndrome result by post on Friday but nothing about PAPP A yet. Do I need to wait for another post or just keep checking my badger app? Thanks.
@Suliat they included a leaflet within the same letter for me
I’ll have to ask them about it during the week. Thank you .
@Suliat if you were low Papp A they would tell you before or alongside the down syndrome result. it’s something that would get picked up during that test. You don’t get a negative letter for low Papp A they only tell you if you have it.
@Victoria Oh I understand better now. I was already getting worried. Thank you.
@Suliat If you do have any concerns or worries about anything you can always call your community midwife team :)
I was low Papp A in my first pregnancy. i had to take aspirin everyday and had extra growth scans. one of the risks is baby being small, my baby did measure small so i had planned c section at 37 weeks. (baby was breech) He was 5 pounds and 13 ounces. He’s a healthy and happy one year old now!