@Rebecca that just simply isn’t true. Eliminating dairy from Moms diet is often the first step in identifying a possible intolerance. Heres an article with some good info - https://www.uhhospitals.org/blog/articles/2024/09/signs-your-breastfed-baby-has-a-cows-milk-allergy#:~:text=Lactose%20intolerance%20is%20a%20non,cause%20any%20long%2Dterm%20problems.
It might be a small set back but overall no it isn’t going to ruin your hard work. Keep at it, even experienced diary free moms slip up occasionally. You’re doing great, give yourself grace and focus on not adding more in 🫶🏻
@Katy read the article talk and it makes no sense because that would mean to avoid breast milk because it has lactose in it.. so yeah that makes zero sense and it also says 0.5% of breastfeed babies have this issue. And says to only eliminate if a dr says to. I have two kids and see no point in this but to each their own.
That’s not going to show you if they have an allergy to milk you would have to either have a dr test them or wait til they are eating solids at 6 months. You not eating dairy isn’t going to affect show anything. Unless he’s has an intolerance to breast milk or regular formulas