The problem is my GP have been abit pants with every other miscarriage I’ve had. Never been bothered in helping or seeing me just simple say test in a few weeks and if positive ring us when your 8 weeks I don’t know if to leave it a few days see what a test is saying and maybe ring the hospital I’m under for infertility
Ring the hospital and see what they say xx
Fingers crossed it’s just a bit of implantation bleeding. I’ve never had implantation bleeding prior to a positive test. Only ever had it soon after I tested positive. Was always brown in colour x
I rang the hospital and they have said test again in a few weeks, there’s nothing they can do now just test again and ring back if it’s still positive xx
This last cycle I bled heavily for 3 days starting at 8dpo, figured I was out but it wasn’t like a normal period so I tested when it stopped suddenly after 3 days and it was positive and eventually started getting darker. Went to the hospital at 5 weeks to rule out an ectopic pregnancy but unfortunately I miscarried at 5 and a half weeks. Not sure if it was doomed from the start or what. It’s been an emotional roller coaster. My bleeding before the positive was heavy bright red blood, very weird. Yours sounds more likely to be normal
Keep an eye on it and ring your GP up today xx