Under 18 months I set her in the porta crib while I went. Past 18 months I would let her play in my bedroom while I used the attached bathroom. My bed room is baby proofed so I have no worries there.
Bring her with you and baby proof the bathroom so you can relax.
I’ve always taken my son to the bathroom with me. He’s almost 2. I don’t have any other choice. He showers with me too when I want to shower. He climbed my kitchen table once while I was trying to fix a coffee and feed my dog. I can’t go to the bathroom alone lol
I've just...gone. If they get into stuff....I clean it up 🤷🏾♀️ I guess I'm just not that bothered by their messes enough to freak out about it. There's nothing dangerous down where they can get it so I'm just chilled about it I guess.
I go and leave the door open. Everything is babyproofed, but he usually comes in with me and makes me read to him while I go lol
I have bath toys in my bathroom that my little girl plays with while I'm going to the bathroom
i just go and leave the door open. she comes in and out and there’s stuff in the bathroom that i don’t care if she plays with. my daughter sees me changing my pads all the time during my period, i just tell her what it is. if you need her to stay in her room maybe get a baby gate