Oh god my boy has been like this past 2 weeks. Do you have a swing?? Because we realised that swaddling him (tucking his arms in a blanket wrapped up) and strapping him in his swing with it on the biggest setting. He has slept for 1 hour and I've never been able to put him down before x
Same here, he’s 8 weeks old today, I literally didn’t have time to brush my teeth today🤦🏾♀️☹️
Babies cannot be spoiled. Her behaviour is totally natural and she is programmed to want to be close to you at all times. She feels safest with you and as far as she knows, there might be a saber toothed tiger about to pounce 😂😂 Hold your baby because one day she is gunna be a feral toddler who hits you with blocks, runs round like a mad hatter and doesn't want mummy cuddles. Holdering her will build a strong bond and evidence shows that the more children are held/responded to at a young age, they actually grow to be more independent. You could always get a sling/wrap so she can be close to you but your hands are free to get stuff. It was a life saver for me and helped calm my baby down too if he was upset x
My son is 13 years weeks old and has been like this since we brought him home from the hospital. I have no clue how I’m gonna go back to work…
You can't spoil a baby so ignore those comments. Your baby is in the 4th trimester. They're in a big scary world and the only thing they know is you. They need you with them to make them feel safe. Cuddle your baby as much as you can because one day you'll regret not getting those baby snuggles when they were tiny
You cannot spoil a baby. You haven’t done anything to cause your baby to want to be close to you, and your baby isn’t broken, or needy or whatever for wanting to be. Lean into it, give her the connection and reassurance she needs, it’s all such a fleeting phase. Baby cuddles are the best, soak them up!!!
Your post confuses me, you are annoyed because you can’t get anything done due to not being able to put her down but you’ve only held her for around 2 hours since birth? What do you mean? And since you’ve only held her for like 2 hours maybe she is craving your affection? Babies need more than that! Shes just a newborn and she needs her mama no such thing as spoiling a baby!! You can never spoil a child with love. Ever 🤍 they can’t survive without it.
Have you tried a sling? If your baby is tiny still try the fabric one. Then you can get stuff done with her right there, she will love being close to you and probably fall asleep. Ignore comments especially from older generations about her being spoiled. Our grandparents used to just leave their babies outside if they cried. As others above have said your baby for the first 6 months doesn’t realise they are separate from you, that’s why they want to be on you all the time
You can’t spoil a baby, babies need to be held and cuddled. Kind of sad you’ve cuddled her for 2 hours since she’s been born?? 😟 my daughter is 14mo’s now and I wish I’d cuddled her more. It’s the best feeling, they stop needing you sooner than you think.
It's just everytime she cries my mother says she's spoiled.... It knocks my confidence makes me feel like I'm failing
shes 2months old shes used to being in ur belly where its dark tight & warm
@Cotswoldmama same i was just begging my son for a hug & he screamed & ran past me😵💫
Hold that baby. You are her safe space in this new world that is confusing and scary. Their brains also develop better with interaction. She is doing what’s natural and seeking your presence because they are so helpless. Research 4th trimester. Older generations did the best they could with the information they had. But advice has changed. Hold her when she wants you to.
@Rhiannon Tell her to mind her business. She raised her own children and now it is your turn to raise yours and sometimes that means doing things differently and that is okay. X
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We are carry mammals, the need to be held is biologically normal. You need to hold and carry your baby to form a secure attachment. Babies can't be spoilt or learn bad habits. The people telling you that stuff are uneducated (on this topic) and WRONG. Hold your baby, show your baby the love she needs and deserves! 💕
@Rhiannon isolate away from anyone making you feel bad about anything you’re doing you are your babies mama and you are a fresh mum and you and your baby should be bonding it is so crucial at this time and she needs you the most. Ignore anyone else’s input. You are doing an amazing job you might find your baby settles better with some more cuddles more often. Soak it up! They’re only tiny once 🫶🏽🤍 Side note: PICKING YOUR BABY UP WHEN THEY CRY BUILDS TRUST BETWEEN YOUR BABY AND YOU!! When they are a year + then you can try to allow them to self settle but a newborn/baby under 1 really needs you and picking them up when they cry is important
My baby is 9 months and I’ve embraced holding her all the time. You get used to it. Lean into the fact that holding your baby makes them feel safe and will make them more confident in adulthood. 86: gonna be ok
You absolutely cannot spoil a baby. I hold my little one whenever he wants to be held. Yes, I know it can be frustrating when you need to get things done but they aren’t this little forever. Try and soak up every bit of it. They depend on you x
Try a baby carrier or sling. Can get loads done xx
Ignore your mother, your baby needs you. You won't spoil her, you will create a secure attachment. Please listen to babies needs, you'll instinctively want to pick her up and soothe her. You're doing amazing x
She could be going through some sort of growth spurt or learning a new skill. Mine has been the same and she’s also been showing off new skills. It’s been better lately for mine!