LO withholding poo

Hello, looking for a bit of advice. A few weeks ago my LO was badly constipated but it improved after getting some medicine from the GP. However since then, she is having the most horrendous time going to the toilet, clearly holding it in and getting herself in such a state sometimes for an hour at a time because she doesn’t want to do a poo. I’ve tried encouraging her to be in a seated position, tummy massages etc but nothing is making her go easily. It’s awful to watch and I feel totally helpless. She is very aware of when she needs the toilet and will often ask to go to the loo for a pee, but is absolutely terrified of doing a poo. Has anyone experienced this and tried anything that worked? Thanks in advance!
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Just went through something similar with my little boy a few days ago. A nice warm bath, tummy massage with oil, and a super thick layer of Vaseline on the bottom did the trick for us.

My eldest (now 8) has suffered with constipation since she was a baby. She still does. Movicol works a little but when she was little we had to use suppositories. Not pleasant and quite traumatic for everyone but it worked.

I’m literally going through this right now. Lactulose every day and suppositories. I want it to clear from his mind that pooing hurts, before I properly start potty training as it could cause a whole plethora of other problems 😔

Are you toilet training? Sometimes kids do this during toilet training

Thank you all, sounds like we are doing the right things just hope it passes soon. Maybe need to up the dose of Lactulose so I’ll call the docs and see what they think. We haven’t properly started toilet training but she does ask to go to the loo. I’m hoping to properly start with the potty once this phase has passed so it’s not too traumatic 🙈

Lactulose only causes the colon to contract. It does nothing for the hardness of the stool. Ask for movicol. The plain one. I used to make my daughter milkshakes with it (the consistency of it is vile in water). It draws water to the stool to soften it. Live cultures also help, so a yakult a day.

@Kira lactulose is a stool softener. It's actually more friendly to younger kids too x

My wee girl was like this for ages, and has moments like it still. We give her a small dose of pureed prunes every day and that has helped wonders. Our paediatrician recommended this as an alternative to Lactulose which was surprising but a nice alternative to medicine. I mentioned this fear of pooing hurting to another mum who said her girl (same age) was not pooing, saying it was "stuck". She doesn't suffer from constipation, so she had no idea where it came from. It's passed now so could be something linking up in their wee minds now x

Thank you! Never thought of prunes actually and might be easier to sneak in to other things thank you! X

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