
Question for boy moms. How did you guys decide whether or not you wanted to cicumcise baby boy? I’m so torn about it. Part of me feels like it’s unnecessary and the other part of me doesn’t want him to possibly be bullied. I also feel like I’m overthinking it. Dad is ok with either or but I don’t know how I’ll decide.
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So we aren't finding out our baby's sex until they come into the world, but we won't be circumcising. It's unnecessary and painful, even if they forget. I think more and more families are choosing not to, so unless you are in a religious community that circumcises, there will be other little boys with intact penises too. Plus like he probably shouldn't be whipping it out in front of others anyway. A good resource I found in another thread about this is

I’m not a boy mom, but both me and my husband are nurses. This became a big conversation when we found out we were pregnant again. We both didn’t feel it was necessary to cause harm or make decisions for a baby with no say. However, my husband started working in long term care and it totally changed our opinion. The amount of painful circumcisions they have to perform because older gentlemen cannot take proper care of it is insane. He said it is so sad at the process and pain it causes his patients. This is the only reason we completely sided with having a circumcision. May seem silly to think about our children as elders or in nursing homes but it’s reality and if we can save unnecessary infections or complications, we will. May be an unpopular opinion but it’s not something we decided lightly.

@Kayla is that just because of the way the catheters are?

This has been a hot topic between my husband and I, and we are continuing the conversation. I don’t want to circumcise because I don’t think it’s fair to make that kind of modification to our son’s body without his consent, but my husband is really afraid that he’ll be bullied. He grew up in the 90’s and early 2000’s in Iowa playing sports and all the uncircumcised guys were bullied for it. I think times have definitely changed and I think it’s brutal to do that to a new-born. It also seems to have a much higher prevalence in the U.S. vs European countries. I’m hoping I can convince my husband not to circumcise by my due date in June.

@Bri Some patients have been bc of long term catheters, but most are because the foreskin gets very elastic and extends far beyond the penis. It gets stuck and no longer retracts, causing build up of urine and bacteria and frequent infections or crusting that shuts it causing tears.

Nope! My first born isn’t and we won’t be circumcising our second either. I work in healthcare and have done my research and feel this is the best option for us. By the time they’re old and are ever in long term care, I’m sure there will be more interventions to prevent infections.

We will be circumcising our son, it’s healthy, cleaner & better for them in the long run

So there are health benefits to having it done which ultimately is why I did it. Unfortunately uncircumcised boys will be made fun of at some point because kids are so damn mean for NO reason. However I don't know the health benefits of not circumcising. Do some research for sure and when you have your son they will ask if you wanna circumcise and explain all the pros and cons! Do what you feel is right. Don't do it or choose not to because of society, peoples opinions, or pressure. Educate yourself and make the best choice in your opinion for your baby

I’ve always felt it was unnecessary since I learned it existed, and my son’s father is uncircumcised, so it wasn’t a difficult decision to make for us at all.

We are the only country where Circumsism is the norm. I think some people are waking up to the facts about circumsicm. My husband is super grateful he wasn’t. And so am I. It’s great for sexual function, sensation, satisfaction, and pleasure! I’m glad his mom didn’t rob him of that. We didn’t with our son and when he is of age and that’s something he really wants then he can pay for it. Certainly don’t do it because societal pressures.

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