My LO goes to bed around 8:00 and wakes up around 7:30-8:00 She usually takes one nap a day and goes down anywhere from 12:00 to 2:00 and is out for about 1.5-2hrs. SOMETIMES she needs a power nap around dinner but it’s rare.
yes, my son takes 1 long nap. our schedule is a little off due to my work schedule so we’re up by 10/11 am, nap at 5pm-8pm, bedtime anytime between 11pm & 12am.
My little one goes to bed 9-9:30 p.m. and usually doesn't wake up till around 10-10:30a.m. He naps at the same time every day, (except weekends) 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
My son dropped 2 naps unless we're driving in the car for a long period. Goes to bed 7 730 wakes around 630 7. Nap is usually 11 to 130
We are down to just one longer nap. We stick with daycare schedule so we feed her lunch between 11 and 11;30 and then after she's signing to go to sleep (that part blows my mind lol). So she's falling asleep closer to noon and I try to get her to keep going back to sleep until 2;30. If she fusses we leave her in the crib. We get her if she doesn't settle back down. So we aim for 2.5-3 hrs
We have 1 nap at 12.30 til 2/2.30ish normally x
Wakes around 7/30 nap at 12 usually naps anywhere from 2 hrs to 2.5 hours. Bed around 730
We’ve been on 1 nap since 11 months. She goes down around 12-1230 and will sleep for 3 hours if I let her, which on the weekends I do. She’s still ready for bed around 8pm
He seems to have a natural wake window of 3 hours . We both just got a nap ( I didn't rest as long as him, but we're both on the recovery end of sick... Still)
We still do 2 smaller naps or he can’t manage making it to bedtime without horrible tantrums 😂 we’ve tried the 1 longer nap.