At 14 months she should be eating enough solids not having milk while baby sat shouldnt be an issue (other than nap, as you said) Maybe try starting to introduce the idea of naps without a feeding, and then separately introduce milk in a cup with meals/ inbetween meals as works best for you. Otherwise maybe try a different bottle if the ones you have have been rejected. My son is almost a year and gets a little weird with his cups. They have to be blue, purple, or red for him to drink, won't drink out of orange or yellow ones, and green seems hit and miss. And that's across types like bottles, sippy cups, open cups, straws even. So maybe even just try a different colour, or a different shape, or even just one with a favoured character on it or something (my kid is loving his Elmo cup, tho idk if he loves Elmo or just red idk)
@Sheri Yes, unfortunately I’ll get home around 2AM most nights (I only work 4 days, thank goodness.) Okay, I’ll give this a try! My husband has tried to get her to have homo milk and my breast milk in a bottle, straw cup and open cup but she has either had only a little or refused it mostly. I guess we just need to keep on trying? For context, my husband whenever he is home with her, puts her for a nap and bed no problem!
@Tagmayne okay, good to know! Maybe it’s just difficult when I’m home because she knows that I can breastfeed her because whenever my husband is home watching her, she takes a nap and goes to bed no problem without having milk. Only thing my husband has told me is he has tried giving her my breast milk and homo milk in a bottle, open cup and straw cup with little to no luck. Perhaps I just need to try again and when I am home, not breast feed her anymore? There is one cup she does like that I can try to keep giving her milk in, hopefully it works!🤞🏻
Are you gonna be working evenings? Whatever shift you'll be working, I would try to get her to drink your expressed milk in a straw cup instead of being breastfed. Then slowly switch it to homo milk once she's used to that. I'd make this change now before going to work otherwise she might get overwhelmed by too many changes all at once.