Refusing naps.
Hi Mommas. Anyone else have a baby that is refusing naps? It takes me so long to put my baby down. I’ve tried a routine, putting him down around the same time every day. I’ll try to put him down before he’s tired, when hes tired, and it seems to be the easiest when he’s extremely tired but still fights it off. He’s 8 months and only sleeps for about an hour a day. He’ll take two 30-1hr naps. No longer than that.
My son is almost 11 months tomorrow, and he refuses naps constantly mostly due to teething. What I started doing is despite if he’s refusing to take a nap is, I’ll let him play until he starts rubbing his eyes or if he just looks exhausted,. That’s when I will take him and put him into his bed and maybe throw in one or two small toys just because he’ll play until he passes out even if he starts to cry not wanting to be in there, I just let him take that time to just finally figure out that he’s tired. Trust me it takes a while and half the time you feel bad because they’re crying sometimes I like to do is put on some music like some lullabies which usually suits him and he’ll fall asleep on his own.