Mine only comes to scans as well
Only scans or if there are any concerns. No reason for us to both have to waste PTO time from work
No. Only scans and important ones - first time we heard her heartbeat and he’ll be attending the birth planning appointment
Mine was only allowed time off for 2 scans, if other appts fell on a day off though he came
Came to every appointment because I specifically scheduled them for when he was off work. I had an extremely traumatic appointment early on and did not want to go alone.
Work will only allow him time off for 2 appointments / scans so he came to the 12 and 20 week scans with me☺️
All of them (minus a couple) but that's because he could - he works from home so he would take his lunch break at the time of the appointment. It would've been different if he had had to take half a day.
Thanks for sharing! I had an appointment yesterday and I was briefly talking to a coworker about it and she went to my husband (we work in the same building) and basically berated him for not coming. He felt like a terrible husband and father so he left work and came to the appointment. I told him that wasn’t necessary and if i wanted or needed him there i would tell him. My previously pregnancy he only came to the scans as well.
Mine only came to scans. He did come to the booking appointment in all my pregnancies. With my first baby he would also come to any triage visits I had due to reduced movements etc
He came to the important scans but then form 28 weeks I had a scan and consultation every week. He couldn’t afford to take the time off every week
To every single one 🌟
Every single one, always 🫶🏻
No, because not, everybody has a spouse. I’m a single mother. I went by myself.
He hasn’t missed a single one ❤️
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My partner came to every appointment I had, except for one. Including the daily checks for our LO in the lead up to needing to be induced. Every couple is different. My partner had the ability to come to mine because of what he was doing for work at the time. It also depends completely on what you and your partner discuss, what you feel comfortable with and the type of appointment. As long as you are both happy with what you’re doing (both attending all/some or whatever), that’s your choice and nobody else’s business.
No just the scans