@Heather this was my test when I was cramping a lot but never started my period
@Heather is it negative I have line eyes
Yes that's negative and avoid these tests they are terrible as the blue dye shows bad evap lines Pink dye tests are better
@Heather so when should I test
Until 9dpo at the earliest or if your nerves hold out when period is due
@Heather so I can’t test now and get a positive
@Heather 6. Days from period
@Heather I’m 7 days dpo
So try again in 2 day
7dpo still way too early. You can test again in a few days but just know it won't be reliable until probably 12ish dpo.
You can test any time but at 5dpo it's not going to show positive as the egg if fertilised will just be reaching the uterus Best to wait til 9dpo at the very earliest and even that might not be accurate