I took my time grieving with my losses before trying to conceive again. Time definitely helped make me less anxious while pregnant with my rainbow baby. After my second loss I thought I wanted to try right away but I ultimately decided to heal and focus on my marriage for awhile. It became an overwhelming desire to get pregnant when I was finally ready. Everyone is different and only you know when you’re ready
I didn't realise how cruel life could be until I had my first miscarriage. It was a mmc too, so my body still believed I was pregnant even though my baby had already died 💔 It's the worst thing in the world and I'm sorry you've also been through it. What helped me grieve was to make a baby box and in which I put the pregnancy tests and anything related to that pregnancy in there, along with a baby grow I'd bought. As it was Nov (2022) when I lost my baby I bought a bauble for my Christmas tree and that helped ease the pain and it also means they'll never be forgotten ❤️ I had two chemicals after the first mc and now I have a beautiful baby girl 🌈 who is 7 months who helped me heal (although I was petrified the whole pregnancy). The date I lost my first baby was the date I found out her gender, exactly one year later ❤️ Time is a great healer, and my baby girl will know about her siblings in heaven. You do whatever will help you. I hope you get your 🌈 soon. Sending support xx
Pregnancy after loss is super hard, but don’t let that stop you from trying to conceive, if that’s what you want. It can also be hard to fully embrace your pregnancy journey once you do conceive, as I feel like there’s always that anxiety around the possibility of things going wrong again. You never get over the loss and there will always be things ie. anniversaries, due dates and Christmas etc that will trigger an array of emotions, but over time you learn to cope with them a lot better.