My little one is 11 weeks old and she’s the same between 10/11 but tonight she was asleep by half 9 x
@Megan 3/4 hours, and he usually only wakes up twice in the night
@Claire yes my littlen is the same he will have a 2am feed then not wake up till 6-7am, does your littlen sleep much in the day? I’ve noticed Isaac sleeps fine at night but in the day he’s awake a lot of the time sometimes the full 3 hours till his next feed
My 9 week old little boy goes to sleep anywhere between 10.30 and 1am😂 usually sleeps between 6-9 hours, has a morning bottle than goes back to sleep x
My 10 week old is ready to go up to bed at the time we’ve done bedtime routine she’s fast asleep in her bed by 8oclock, sleeps until midnight/1 then feeds, change & back to sleep until 5/6 o’clock. Only this week she’s been wanting to go up at 7:15, past couple weeks it’s been 8oclock & fast asleep in bed by 9. Before that was 9/10 o’clock x
my 9 week old is in bed asleep between 8-9 every night with either 1 wake up at 5am or sleeps through until 6.30/7. Me and my husband have always had early starting jobs though so we naturally go to bed no later than 10 😂 and need an hour of us time in the evening so baby is always down by 9 latest xx
When your littlen goes bed at 10/10:30 how long do they sleep for?