They would allow me the time, they're actually lovely, it's just going forward I don't want them having in the back of their mind that I'm going off on maternity leave at some point. I'm 44, it's not a given that this will work out and if it doesn't I really don't want it to impact my career. I'll try and speak to my Dr tomorrow and see what they say.
My doc gave me a note when I had my miscarriage and it excused me from work for 3 days and it didn’t say why
Oh my goodness, that is tough. Unless your employer is a monster, I don't know why they wouldn't allow you some time to process! I understand you would like to keep it confidential though. Do you have an HR person you feel comfortable chatting with? They could keep it confidential from the rest of the team for you and hopefully advocate for you. My OB probably wouldn't write me a note like that, but maybe yours is better 😂 definitely worth a try if you don't feel comfortable going to anyone at your work. Best of luck! I hope you can find some time for self care during this tough time. 💕