A blanket is such a good idea, ik im already going to be texting and calling who's watching her 😂 @Ellie
I was away from my first for a couple days and I missed her a lot. But while I was in labor I was more focused on the contractions and giving birth and she was having too much fun to care lol
This was me!! Honestly, the only advice I have is just to let yourself feel what you feel. The hospital stay is just a few days and you're going to be extremely distracted by birth and caring for your newborn. I missed my daughter terribly while I was recovering, but when I got to come home after two days it was so worth it. It gave me a refreshed feeling to appreciate her so much more, and now that my youngest is almost 3 months we have a good routine down and the babies love each other so much. My two are 15 months apart, so I couldn't explain to my daughter where I was or what was happening which added another layer of sadness to it for me. You'll be just fine and so will your babies, it's perfectly okay to feel how you do
I’m gonna be honest I had no choice. I was in the hospital with my 2nd for weeks in preterm labor. I asked for some meds to help with the anxiety which helped.
I’m in the same boat and worrying about how I’m going to cope and feel as well 🥺😭 I’m pregnant with baby #3, my oldest being 8, and with my youngest being 1 1/2 and she’s never left my side for more than maybe 3 hours at the most and only a handful of times. She’s also been EBF, and at this point even though she no longer breastfeeds she still wants to nurse for comfort in order to fall asleep EVERY night. So I’m extremely nervous and worried about how this is going to go. Part of me wants to find a way to just do a home birth so i don’t have to leave her. 🥺😭
I thought about a home birth too for a minute, but remembered a home birth means no epidural and idk if I can handle that 😂😂 @Airianna
Same boat honestly so I don't have any recommendations unfortunately. I'm getting induced next week in hospital an hour away. My son is turning 18 months when his sister is born so I'm heartbroken to need to leave him for even a few hours. I'm sorry I don't have any coping help, just support and let you know you're not alone. 🫂 it'll be hard no doubt but once we're back with our first born after a few days I'm sure all will be fine, they will be okay as much as it pains us
Thank you for posting this and to all the amazing Mamas who are in the same boat. I have never spent a night from my son who is now 2 years old and I am 37 weeks pregnant. I also found out he is not allowed in recovery at all due to health safety at the hospital so I would only be able to see him in the lobby if anything. I have to trust he will be okay but I am going to miss him so much. I know I need to focus on baby and will use that time for us and rest however I can before coming home and having 2 kids and transitioning into that new mode. Its gonna be hard but its all mindset and I agree about allowing ourselves to feel those feelings. ♥️
I cry just thinking about this… my baby just turned 1 October 28, and I’m due January 13. I’ve never been away from him and the guilt is setting in 😔
I’ll be honest. I didn’t cope. I cried endlessly whilst my baby was in nicu and my son (1 at the time) was at home. He visited a few times but watching him leave hurt my heart so bad. The only thing that helped was bringing something that smelt like him (I took his blanket). I FaceTimed him multiple times a day, 5/6 times daily. It hurt being away from him, but when I finally got home I did nothing but cuddle him for days. It was the best feeling ever <3