
Hi, can anyone tell me what I’d be feeling like 3 weeks after an episiotomy with 2nd degree tear. I am still in pain and can feel tightness when I sit on the toilet still or walk. Is this normal or should i be concerned? Thank you x
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Mine took about 2-3 weeks to feel better personally. It did pretty much happen over night for me x

Can take atleast 6-8 weeks apparently I was the same as spoke with midwife and GP with the same worries. They said because it was a tear more so than a cut it takes longer to recover and as long as there are no signs of infection and is clean etc it can take a while x

@Emma did you feel pulling when standing or sitting on the toilet? I haven’t got any signs of infection that I am aware of x

I had third degree tears with my first and felt all of this. It takes about 8-10 weeks to feel right.

@Laura google says I shouldn’t feel anything after 2-3 weeks, what liars! No wonder I’m worried. Thank you for letting me know it’s all normal. I can’t wait to be able to walk again ☹️ xx

sounds like how i felt! i didn’t start to feel less pain until about 4 weeks. make sure you keep taking painkillers! xxx

Hi, I had a forceps delivery with a second degree tear and episiotomy. I feel like recovery has taken some time. I’m 6 weeks PP tomorrow and only now has it started to ease. It’s still painful but it’s starting to improve. What I learnt searching for answers for when I’ll ever feel normal again is that everyone recovers at their own rate. Some people experience was they were healed at 2-3 weeks. Some days 2-3 months. It just depends. But what saved me was ice pack pads, helped so so much!

I had a 3rd degree tear and felt better 2nd week. My peri bottle was a god send and adult nappies!! I'm 6 weeks pp and Gynaecologist has said everything has healed well.

Yes, I did and honestly felt like I couldn’t walk/stand very long at all for the first couple of weeks! I was worried it was infected because of how uncomfortable it was so got a couple of midwives to check but they said it wasn’t. I bought a doughnut seat thing to sit on which helped. I’m now 4 weeks pp and the pain has pretty much gone but it still feels weird wiping after going to the toilet and can still feel tight when I sit down etc x

Thank you so much for everyone’s comments. I feel so much better now knowing it’s all normal and part of healing. Xx

I felt ok around 4-5 week mark after an episiotomy, but the tightness is still there at 7 weeks pp xx

@Megan does it get easier with the tightness? I find it hard to sit on the toilet ☹️ xx

It does get easier, I found legs together and leaning my front forward helped with the tightness when going for a wee. It also helped with the pain of the urine touching the wound because it never reached it, and I swear the peri bottle of water just washed it into the wound 🤣x

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