Depends. Some days lunch is leftovers from the previous night, so is more of a ‘main meal’ but I don’t offer any less/anything different at dinner than I normally would on those days.
My lo has snacky bits more for lunch as she has a bigger breakfast and then wouldn’t eat dinner if she had a big meal, so we do sandwiches, fruit, yoghurt etc. But at nursery their main meal is 11:30am a hot meal but I think she hardly touches it .
Only because he has a main meal at nursery too
I usually give my toddler the leftovers of dinner from the day before for lunch and for dinner I make something new
I said dinner but I do give him a hot lunch most of the time it’s just not as big for example chicken nuggets , hot dogs , grilled cheese , taquitos . Ngl sometimes we have lunchmeat and cheese and an orange some days . Dinners we make things like steak, chicken, spaghetti etc
We do meat and veggies for both lunch and dinner. My lunches and dinners don't look much different
Sandwich for lunch, Hot cooked meal for dinner
If I give her a cooked meal mid day she won’t eat it later so she had sandwiches or noodles, toast and snacks bits for lunch and has the same as us for supper