@Chelsea interested to hear more about your point around improving numbers enough to do ICSI IVF? We are looking to possibly go private for ICSI IVF as my husbands numbers are severely low (0.7 million per ml concentration) with low motility too. It made reference on his semen analysis notes about ICSI so we’ve presumed since that we’d be able to do it once we discounted all other possibilities (including variocele), but is there a minimum numbers wise?!
My husband has a varicocele and the urologist said it wouldn't necessarily treat his low count, but that it could possibly help with motility and morphology. However research shows that plenty of men with varicoceles conceive anyway, so unless it's causing pain or other issues, it's not necessarily the answer to fertility problems He didn't have it treated and we went ahead with ICSI and ended up with 3 embryos, one of which has just been born and the other 2are in the freezer
My husband had varicocele surgery to try to solve low motility but the results after surgery showed an increase in motility but a dramatic DECREASE in sperm count. We were left with one option, ICSI. Thankfully our second round of ICSI was successful and we welcomed our son in 2022. It's always worth a try but I would definitely advise getting the ball rolling on the IVF route at the same time
@Chelsea thank you so much for sharing. I'm so pleased to hear that your husband's count has improved and that you have 3 healthy embryos. That's absolutely wonderful. Sending positive vibes your way for Monday đź©·