Same here, due to c-section I have to also see a consultant, though nobody actually said I am high risk. They will just schedule some extra appointments in my case to do the ultrasound and to see how the baby is growing, because I would like to go for VBAC. But then I just have my normal appointments with my midwife.
If you want a VBAC I would make this very clear to your midwife and consider switching providers if you don’t feel supported. You need to do your research - what caused the c section last time, how can you avoid it next time, look into hiring a doula. If you want to elect for a c section consider your choices for that too!
It’s just because u had a section in the past (unless a medical condition/Some other reason) but just having a previous c section makes u high risk. It’s only the actual birth that is high risk, I was meant to see a consultant at 12/20 weeks but seen a midwife- who did normal risk assessment and explained it’s the birth that they are worried about, but 12/20 weeks too early to plan for it . Then at my hospital they have a birth choices midwife that I seen at 24 weeks to discuss options re birth c section vs vbac. X