It very well could be that the nursery staff are so busy making bottles, feeding, changing, playing, observations, comforting an upset child, setting up activities etc that they simply missed logging a nappy change on an app. However, that being said, I would also have strong concerns that poop was left on his bottom and he now has nappy rash. So in my opinion, I think it’s best you have a talk with the nursery staff and hopefully this will never happen again
I work in a nursery 8-6, we change 10;30am after snack then again 2:30am after nap time (if we smell poo then of course we change them asap!) or if we notice there nappy is looking/ feeling full. I hope they have just forgot to log this (we don’t actually log at our nursery) I would call the manager and speak to them then at least if they forget they will be told, however I would raise a concern as to why they also didn’t notice / change a poo.
A good policy I learned when I had my baby in nicu, they did changes and feedings every 3 hours.
I would mention it to them, both the nappy rash he’s come home with and that you’ve taken a look back and can see they leave it hours without a change regularly and hope this is enough to get them to sort it out. I would also ask what their policy is on nappy changing , I’d hope they have a rough rule for staff to check every X hours